Xianhao Chen (陈贤淏)

Master student, Zhejiang University


This picture was taken with Nikon ZFC.

Hi, stranger! Nice to have you here! I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at Zhejiang University, under the guidance of Prof. Liangjing Yang(2022-2025). Fortunately, my academic journey includes collaborative research with Prof. Zhaopeng Cui and Ph.D. Jiarui Hu in State Key Lab of CAD&CG. Previously, I completed my Bachelor of Engineering at Central South University(2018-2022). I am committed to advancing my expertise in machine learning and fostering my innovative capabilities in this dynamic field.

Research interest: primarily centered around computer vision, focus on

  • 3D reconstruction
  • scene representation learning
  • visual analysis&reasoning
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM).

I am actively seeking a Ph.D. position that will allow me to further develop my skills and contribute to the advancement of computer vision technology.


Jul 01, 2024 Our CG-SLAM is accepted to ECCV2024! :sparkles: :smile:
Jan 05, 2024 Awarded ZJU-UIUC Institute Decans Scholarship 2023!
Dec 15, 2023 Our SamSLAM is accepted to ICRCV2024

selected publications

  1. CG-SLAM
    CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertainty-aware 3D Gaussian Field
    Jiarui Hu*Xianhao Chen*, Boyin Feng, Guanglin Li, Liangjing Yang, Hujun Bao, Guofeng Zhang, and Zhaopeng Cui
    In Proc. of the European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), Jul 2024
  2. SamSLAM
    SamSLAM: A Visual SLAM based on Segment anything model for Dynamic Environment
    Xianhao Chen, Tengyue Wang, Haonan Mai, and Liangjing Yang
    In The International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation (ICRCA), Jan 2024